Monday, 11 June 2012

Now it WORKS !!!

I have had enormous troubles getting through to writing some new posts - alas - even to write as a new blogpost was difficult. So i got on to the net again tonight and have been trying on and off for hours and hours because I know how much I need to write and let you all know what I am getting up to.

Lord Steve and I are travelling do0wn to Victoria tomorrow - well we are going half way at least. SOOO much traffic today being the Monday of the Queens Birthday Long Weekend in NSW.

My daughter and I went shopping and teh usual 5 minute drive to the local supermarket took 20 minutes. Not long - though the rain was hard and the travel weary folks in cars around us made it seem so much longer. Cars with trailers and caravans, packed with tired children, sleepy parents and loaded with unused boats and canoes were parking across the traffic light lanes. So dangerous as the people in cars trying to get onto the main road - couldnt :(  The weekend was a washout for most people living or visiting the east coast of NSW. I know other states are suffering all types of weather as well - hopefully Lord S and I get some sun rays on us whilst away,

So now I must go as I want to wrtie a few bits for the Quilt n Craft Diva part of me - so check me there.

Till I get on to blog to you again soon --- Cheers Lady Di

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