Lady, Woman, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Friend, Crafter and Blogger

How interesting it is to write about things that you are doing and where you are going in your life. With husbands, children, family and friends around you, you don't realise how much data there is to be able to write about. Grandchildren coming into the world, changes of abode, health crisis, sadness, happiness, love, weather, empathy and so much more.

I am lucky to have an understanding hubby, who indulges my pastimes of crafts - sewing, quilting, reading, gardening and 'playing on my computer' :) He reads what I have written and always has a positive word to say on my 'creations'. I know my daughter has read my blogs as she told me she had. Said that some she had a laugh with and others read with deep understanding of where I am going with it.

I know some members of my extended family may not approve, but it is my thoughts and feelings that go in to this blog not theirs. They are simply afraid of what the world wide web may do to them and theirs. To me, it's a way to be in involved in my friendships, share photos, write to my children and talk with them on Skype. Now the latest is writing about my life as a Lady of Glencoe - for which I am very happy to share my thoughts.

Should you wish to 'chat' drop me a line. I'm sure we can find something in common that we can share and chat about